Real Estate Course

Real estate is a career path that can provide many employment opportunities. It’s an adaptable role that allows to you the independence to take control of your career and grow it to become more than just a job.

Like any line of work, there are many pros and cons of a career in real estate and while there are many challenges, you’ll also be able to reap its rewards. You’ll have the freedom to make your own decisions and be responsible for your own career progression. Over time, you may even choose to start and build your own real estate agency.

Working in real estate will give you the opportunity to work within a fast paced role, meet new and diverse people, and use your interpersonal skills as part of key sales techniques. And because these qualities and skills are gained and not taught, it means that it’s never too late to considering switching career paths to real estate. Your past experience will contribute to your proficiencies as a real estate agent.

How to become a Real Estate Agent

To become a practising real estate agent in Queensland, you will need a certificate of registration from an accredited training organising. Their registered training courses are generally self-paced and takes approximately 2 days to complete. To complete the real estate course assessment, you must show that you understand key information about the legislative requirements.

Real Estate Schools

National Real Estate Learning ( is a leading Australian real estate training company that provides nationally recognised courses that are Office of Fair Trading compliant, and registered training organisations (RTO).

NREL is an online real estate course and we understand online training may be daunting without face-to-face support, but be reassured as NREL has specifically developed an online resource library to help you every step of the way. Our digital assessing team are also just a click away.

Real Estate Course

NREL delivers online real estate training in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. NREL’s online learning platform is a 21st century way of meeting the needs of people who are looking to start a real estate career, or up-skill their current qualifications to further their real estate employment prospects. If you want to run your own real estate agency, you will need a full real estate agent license.

The courses features:

  • Easy to understand content
  • Open book assessments
  • No exams
  • Free multiple assessment attempts


Tip 5: How To Manage Your Day

Welcome to the end of another Tip Series. This last one is very simple but probably the most important.

Tip 5: Know Your capacity

The best way to work effectively and efficiently, is to know your capacity. Capacity is the fuel that makes bringing our skill and talent fully to life. We usually take this for granted as most of our lives as we have always had enough.

Many things can change this, children, digital technology, rising job complexities, more information and more requests. All of it coming faster and more relentlessly.

Obviously, we aren’t meant to operate at high speeds for extended periods of time and our brains work in flows of spending then renewing energy. We can push our limits through coffee or sugar, but we do eventually need a break.


Tip 3: How To Manage Your Day

You might notice a theme appearing, managing your day to day work life is built on a foundation of how you work. If you understand how you work, your routine will be more efficient enabling you to get better results, to get more done and fundamentally be happier.

If your still having trouble understanding how you work maybe this tip will help.

Tip 3: Take a step back… seriously

When was the last time you huddled with your team and discussed how you worked? Aside from an occasional annual or bi-annually meeting, not many of us meet to discuss this.

Why? We are usually all too busy working to take pause and make some changes on how we are working. I’ve never seen a sports team without a huddle, yet we’ll continue working with clients and colleagues for months – if not years – without taking a step back, taking stock and making improvements to our system.

This is even harder to do as individuals we never have meetings with ourselves.

Over time the biggest problem that emerges is when routine sets in, bad habits creep in without us realising.

Work in the real estate industry is always going to be busy, you’ve got houses to sell, targets to meet, commission to earn. However take the time, get your team or yourself to set down and brainstorm what are the difficult or problematic parts of your job.

Then think about ways to improve these parts, no idea is stupid and no idea can’t be logically solved (teleportation doesn’t exist so you can’t suggest that when you have to many open homes).


Tip 2: How To Manage Your Day

Carrying on from our previous tip where we discussed working proactively instead of reactively. Our next tip looks into how best to proactively work.

Tip 2: Building a schedule around your rhythm

Every day we have a rhythm to our energy levels, some parts of our day we have a higher level of mental alertness. Notice when you seem to have the most energy during the day and dedicate those times to your proactive work instead of the reactive work.

Proactive work can be optimizing your workflow to be more efficient or upgrading your marketing or personal brand, in either case it involves a large amount of creativity. For most people this type of work usually takes the most energy out of us.

Which goes back to proactive work first, reactive work second. We don’t want to try being creative after our brain has slowed down and is numbed by the mundane pile of emails and messages you just responded to.

This will be difficult when you get a message beginning with “I sent you an email an hour ago…!”. There will always be a bunch of people waiting for you to get back to them, while don’t see this as an excuse to not respond because you will. But think of this as a way to optimize your time and work more effectively based on how your body and mind works.


Tip 1: How To Manage Your Day

Through our constant connectivity to each other, when have become increasingly reactive to what comes to us rather than being proactive about what matters the most. We are trying to stay afloat by responding and reacting to the latest email, message, tweet, post, call, and so on.

Being informed and connected has become a disadvantage as it interrupts your flow of thinking then acting.

Tip 1: Proactive work first, Reactive work second

Achieving any great task, like selling a house or hitting your targets takes time, thought, craft and persistence. However, on any day this effort will never seem as urgent as those emails from Client X or Colleague Y asking for something that couple wait a couple hours.

At the beginning of the day we start with an overflowing inbox, 20 voice messages and a list of steps from the last meeting. It’s tempting to “clear the decks” before starting your work and to tell yourself once you’re up-to-date it will be easier to focus.

The trouble with this is it means spending the best part of the day on other people’s priorities. By the time you settle down to your important jobs it could be mid-afternoon after your energy dips and your brain slows. There is always tomorrow, however with tomorrow another pile of emails, messages and to-do lists appear.

If you carry on you will spend most of your day doing reactive work instead of proactively working to achieve anything truly worthwhile.


How To Respond To Your Reviews – Tip 5

To finish off this “How To Respond To Your Reviews” series, I just want to remind you to move on.

It is impossible to please 100 percent of your clients all the time and not all of your reviews will be 5 stars. You will at some stage miss a potential client because of a review his/her friend gave them, whether it was written or verbal.

This is okay.

Prospective clients look at more than just your bad reviews, they look at the good as well. Just remember as well that there are reviews that won’t appear digitally and only flow through word of mouth. They also look at the professionalism you responded with and the photos and information about your business.

There are a lot of factors that go into people’s choice of agent so be the best you can be and continually improve.


How To Respond To Your Reviews – Tip 2

Today we will dive into what tools you could use to respond to your reviews.

Majority of your reviews would come through ‘Rate My Agent’ and to a lesser extent, Facebook. The plus side of these platforms is that both allow you to either respond privately or publicly.

Responding to positive reviews is the easy part of the job and responding re-iterates to the client you really appreciate their good feedback.

As for negative reviews, there is a little bit of work involved. A good first step is a private message them to enquire about the problem if you want a little more information. Once you have all the background information, you can publicly reply to the comment and make amends.

Responding to reviews can be one of an agents best PR tools as it shows you are active and willing to develop from negative feedback. If all is positive, then a prospective client can see you are amazing at what you do, and hopefully, keep you in mind to sell their property.


How To Respond To Your Reviews – Tip 1

We all get public reviews from time to time and they can be either good or bad. Knowing how to address these reviews can mean the difference between a returning client and one who spreads their bad opinion of you.

The most important rule for responding to your reviews is to respond the same way you would if you received that feedback in person.

Always start with a thank you and remember any type of feedback is good and can help you become better.

Next, respond by acknowledging their feedback and how you will take it on board. Your main focus is to improve as a Real Estate Agent and this means being open and polite to suggestions.

With a positive review, you could potentially gain a client for life and reap return or referred business. Keep in contact with this client and nurture your rapport.

If the review is negative, reach out and see if you can recover your relationship with them. This might include a simple chat over coffee, or it might be 12-month nurture. Whichever way it is, it’s better to have attempted to sway that client’s opinion of you rather then letting them freely spread the bad review.

Never leave a review, good or bad, unanswered.


Tip 5: Achieving Success Everyday

Building Relationships

When you meet a potential client, what do you do with the information you have gathered? Do you put them into your database to receive alerts? Add the key contacts to your buyer and seller hit lists? Take note of their key goals, hopes and dreams?

Well hopefully you are doing all three and more, but then what? How do you take the next step and progress the relationship to be their trusted advisor?

If you are finding a customer is wanting to take the next step; attending open homes, second inspections, making offers, bids – any of these actions, you need to book an appointment. This is where you will start building their trust.

It’s important to have this appointment, after all, when you are face to face that’s when you’re at your best and your influence makes actions happen.

While targeting them to win the listing, focus on building that relationship. Repeat for any of potential buyers, one will surely come out on top. As for the others, keep hold of their details and the reasons why they were interested in that listing. Once another similar listing appears, send them a VIP invite and continue working on helping them achieve their dreams.


Tip 4: Achieving Success Everyday

Finding your weak points

Not every transaction is all highs, there will always be a couple of lows throughout the process. While some are happy with the transaction just being complete, the successful agents want to know what the low points were so that they can ensure this doesn’t become a habit.

The best way to find out your highs and lows is asking your past clients as well as non-clients (those who went somewhere else) for feedback on their experience.

Focus on what the customer finds valuable and remember to deliver that, remove anything in your sales process that your customers don’t find valuable. Continue working on improving your process by adding components that you believe they will find valuable, then repeat.
